

- Endeavor to increase the capacities and scientific-applied knowledge of the region on water resources, drought, and climate change

Support for creating and developing technologies in expansion and control of withdrawal of existing water recourses both for surface and groundwater recourses

- Provide scientific and applied solutions to prepare and confront problems caused by water level drop

Benefit from modern scientific and research advances in order to control the distribution and consumption management system

Benefit from modern scientific and research advances in collecting, wastewater treatment and reuse

Endeavor to commercialization of water resources research results

Expansion in cooperation between the EDCC center and water-related organizations in the region and the country and also directing the researches in line with the integrated management of water resources

Endeavor to recognize and made the connection between Iranian and international researchers, centers, and similar institutes around the world

- Endeavor to increase and improve the water quality in Kashan region